Ye Old vinegar works at Worcester Victorian Fayre
This weekend, Clik Clik will be bringing some magic to the streets of the Worcester Victorian Christmas Fayre, at St Martin’s Quarter in the afternoons!
This is the site of the Old Vinegar Works and Clik Clik will be bringing some of the history back to life, with performance, spoken word and music along with a tour of the site by a Victorian Tour guide.
In the midst of the street entertainment will be the Clik Clik voodoo procession, heading off from St Martins Quarter to the High Street! Come and watch if you dare!
The schedule looks like this:
Thursday 27th Nov –
12-1pm Dan Bramhall on the piano
12.30 The Vinegar works Tour
1-2 Clik Clik’s Sweedy Todd Style barber shop
2-4 Collective Unconscious immersive theatre
Friday 28th Nov-
12-2 Madame Matronic statue
12.30 Vinegar Works Tour
2-3 Heather Wastie with spoken word on the Vinegar History
3-4 ‘The Eternal Drone’ -Mad Victorian Sound Scientist If Wet’s Sam Underwood
Saturday 29th Nov –
11-12 Mick Morris on the double bass
12.30 The Vinegar works Tour
12-1 Class Act Worcester Theatre Makers bring urchins & pickpockets to the streets! Watch out!
3-4 Londons Mike Corr and his awesome juggling skills (see film below)
4-5 build up to the Voodoo Procession
Sunday 30th Nov –
12-1 Mick Morris on the double bass & Dan Bramhall on the piano
12.30 The Vinegar works Tour
12-1 Class Act Worcester Theatre Makers bring urchins & pickpockets to the streets! Watch out!
1-2 Bellysimmo Victorian Belly Dancers!
Plus characters, walkabouts and quirk all weekend! Come say hello!